School kitchens get through a lot of cooking oil during a term, so it makes sense to work with a company who can supply top quality oil at great prices and dispose of the waste oil appropriately for you. Cooking Oil services in Iver have been a great choice for schools in Central and West London, as well as across Hertfordshire, West Sussex, South Buckinghamshire and Middlesex for 50 years.
We’re licensed waste carriers, and will provide you with a waste transfer notice for your records when collecting waste oil. We’re also REDcert-EU accredited to recycle used cooking oil into biofuel, something that gives your school the opportunity to minimise its environmental impact. To learn more, just get in touch with the team. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
When you need us to deliver or collect oil, it couldn’t be simpler. You can either talk to our team about setting up a regular schedule, or call us when you need us. We’ll do everything we can to ensure that our visits are at times that are convenient to you, and we’ll take care of the delivery and collection on the same trip if you require both. Want to get a visit booked? Get in touch.
If you need reliable oil supplies, Cooking Oil Services in Iver are the right choice for school kitchens across the region. Call us today on:
01753 651233