Cooking oil FAQs

We want to make sure that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not to use our service. On this page you'll find some of the most frequently asked questions that we get, together with their answer. To find out more, contact the Cooking Oil services team. Based in Iver, we serve Central and West London, as well as Hertfordshire, West Sussex, South Buckinghamshire and Middlesex.

Get in touch
  • When will you deliver/collect the cooking oil?

    New oil will be delivered at the same time as waste is collected to make things as simple and convenient for you as possible. 

    We can do this on a schedule that meets your requirements – if you run a very busy kitchen, we’ll expect to visit more often than if you are catering to only a few people. Should you ever need to change the schedule, or arrange an extra visit, we’ll be happy to oblige.

  • Can you deliver to my event or mobile catering operation?

    We certainly can! We welcome enquiries about one-off deliveries, just get in touch with the team today.

  • Are there any allergens in your oils?

    The oils we sell do not contain any of the 14 allergens listed in the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation 1169/2011. When you purchase oil from us, all necessary allergen information will be clearly displayed on the packaging

  • What do you do with used cooking oil?

    We recycle it. Waste cooking oil can be recycled into biofuels, a renewable energy source. None of the collected oil is filtered for reuse or used in animal feeds

  • Do you supply the containers required to collect waste cooking oil?

    We do. Let us know what you need, and we’ll make sure you have the appropriate containers.

  • Do you collect food waste?

    We do. We are happy to collect food waste which is processed to extract gases that can be used to generate electricity, and the solid remains turned into fertiliser.

    We have a partner company www.nuthbros.co.uk who specialise in food waste collection and recycling in your area

Do you want to know more?

If you have any further questions about the services we offer, please feel free to get in touch! We welcome enquiries and will do our best to answer any questions you may have.

Get in touch

To find out more about the services offered by Cooking Oil services, get in touch today. Call us on:

01753 651223

01753 651233

Contact Us

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